About us
History & production facilities
Corporate philosophy
About us
There are so many different designs of construction machines, agricultural machines, wind energy plants or haulage engines, but they have all got one thing in common: at first they all have long term high quality performing hydraulic components.
When the company was established in 1984 Wolfgang Hirsch laid the cornerstone for the success the company is experiencing today. His tireless pursuit for quality and his attention to detail has allowed Interhydraulik to continually grow over the years. To this day Wolfgang Hirsch is significantly shaping the mindset of the company philosophy.
As Interhydraulik knows the market and understands the increasing demands and requirements of its customers, the company in addition to its ready made hydraulic hoses and piping also offers specially tailor made product solutions: from the customer’s problems; flexible, reliable and intelligent solutions are developed, which leads to series production.
Subsequently you will find a summary of the complete product portfolio:
Assembled hose lines:
• From low pressure to extreme pressure
• Thermoplastic hose lines
• Suction hose lines
• Industrial hose lines
Hydraulic tube assemblies:
• Hydraulic tube assemblies (Ø up to 65 x 8 mm)
• Low pressure tube assemblies (Ø up to 100 x 2 mm)
Hydraulic accessories:
• Screw connections
• Couplings
• Ball valves
• Clamping
• Valves
• Hose protection
Special components:
• Distributors
• Collectors
• Suction fittings
• Welded components
Additional products and services:
• Construction services: from the development of a prototype to the start of production
• Optimisation of components and assembly processes
• Development and supply of pre-assembled components
• Repair and spare parts service
Meanwhile, Interhydraulik employs over 200 employees worldwide, 160 work at the headquarters in Selm.
History & production facilities
1984 Founding in Ludinghausen
1994 Extension of production facilities
2001 Relocation to Selm on the site of the former “Colliery Hermann”
In 2001 Roland Wolske and Claudius Hirsch joined the Management
2005 Extension of production facilites to 35000 square meters
2009 Founding of Xiamen INTERHYDRAULIK Components Co. Ltd. in China
2012 Founding of INTERHYDRAULIK, Inc., Milwaukee, WI, USA
2014 Distribution Center (near Wilhelmshaven) put into Service
2016 Launch of the new hose product line ExovationTM
2014 Distribution Center (Vettelschoß) put into Service
2015 Membership of the VDMA (German Engineering Federation)
2016 Lounge of the new Exovation® hose product line
2018 Commissioning of the Vettelschoß service center
2019 35-year company anniversary
2024 40-year company anniversary as well as new building metal production
The story of ‘Colliery Hermann’ (PDF)
Always one step ahead
The definition of good quality is laid down in binding form for all trades and industries and updated on a continual basis. The company however continuously queries what it can do to achieve standards going beyond the requirements of mere trade and industrial norms, in order to be able to market high-quality, adequate need-based, and practical solutions. Because – the demands on quality alter due to new requirements for example.
Every product has to be regularly tested on eg. its materials, processing, durability and design. Or, are the customer service skills, customer-orientation and the know-how of the staff members up-to-date? Does a product satisfy the customer demands of today and perhaps it already provides answers to the queries of tomorrow? All those involved in research, development, acquisition, production, marketing and sales all work together towards the common goal of ‘good’ quality.
The company gives the same value to aspects of environmental protection and labour safety as to quality control management. The company views the realisation of structured and ongoing improvements – for example, in the sustainability of production procedures as well as in workforce training, and in labour protection and safety as a challenge and an opportunity for a sustainable future corporate philosophy and existing process standards.
We are certified under the following German- and European Standards:
according to DIN ISO 9001 : 2015
according to DIN ISO 14001 : 2015
according to DIN ISO 45001 : 2018
according to DIN EN ISO 3834-3
All certificates are available in our Download area.
Being an entrepreneur also obligates us to fulfill social responsibility, and not only by creating jobs.
Since personal contact and regular exchange with our project partners is important to us, all projects and facilities are located “in the neighborhood”, so to speak.
In the area of the environment, we support two projects:
The members of the SoLaWi Lippeauen Bork e. V. association (SoLaWi stands for Solidarity Agriculture) are committed to the collective promotion of regional food production as an alternative to industrial food and feed production – they thus take concrete responsibility for near-natural, regional production and the local distribution of food. Through regenerative agriculture, the quality of soils, vegetation, water cycle and productivity can be continuously improved regionally.
Since 2024, we have supported the “Selm plants” initiative, in which new trees and shrubs were planted together with citizens on Cappenberger Damm. A small forest is now growing on the approximately one-hectare area, which will store climate-damaging carbon dioxide in the future. With our support, various plants have been purchased.
We are also involved in various community and social projects:
At the end of 2024, we participated in the redesign of “Stephanus Park” in the Selm urban area by assuming the acquisition costs for a tree and a bench.
a tree and a bench. The people living in Bork now have a “green island” in the middle of the town center that invites them to walk and invites people to walk and linger.
Every year in June, the city of Selm organizes a town festival for its citizens with live music and great activities for young and old. Here, too, we are happy to participate.
In addition to the aforementioned partnerships, we have been supporting the “Sternenhimmel” (starry sky) campaign for several years, which the Caritas Association Lünen-Selm-Werne regularly initiates together with the GANZ SELM e. V. association at Christmas for needy children. In this way, children who would otherwise have gone empty-handed because their families do not have sufficient financial resources also receive a Christmas present.
We are pleased to be involved – and have been for many years – with the action group Kinder in Not (Children in Need). This ensures children in the Philippines, India and Brazil their right to education, health and equality. Every euro donated reaches its destination 100% without deduction of administrative costs.
Also out of competition, the table tennis department of SC Union 08 Lüdinghausen is happy about our support.
In mid-2025, we will support another project that is close to the hearts of many Selm residents. We will be happy to keep you up to date.
Corporate philosophy
Quality policy
Our company is dependent on our customers. We strive not only to meet the requirements of our customers, but to exceed their expectations time and again. Increasing customer satisfaction is therefore our primary goal. An open and honest relationship with our customers is the basis for a successful and long-term relationship for mutual benefit.
We are convinced that customer satisfaction is only possible in the long term if all employees use their abilities to the fullest for the benefit of the company and for the achievement of the company’s goals. The inclusion and promotion of employees is an important principle of corporate management for us.
The continuous improvement in all areas of the company as well as the protection of the health and life of our employees are for us elementary components of our understanding of quality and therefore represent permanent goals for all employees in the company.
Activities relevant to quality and safety are planned, controlled and monitored throughout. In this way we meet the quality requirements of our customers as well as the applicable legal regulations. In doing so, we implement the “0-error principle” and strive to avoid errors from the outset instead of correcting them afterwards.
To make effective decisions, these should always be based on the analysis of data and information.
We are convinced that supplier relationships should be designed for mutual benefit in order to increase the ability of both sides to create value and to lay the foundation for long-term, successful cooperation.
Environmental Policy
We are committed to fulfilling all binding obligations and regulations and to continuously improving our environmental management system in order to protect the environment and sustainably improve our environmental performance as a company.We want to create trust in the public, among interested parties and our customers through objective information.
We want to prevent environmental pollution in all operating conditions, use environmentally friendly technologies and apply the best available, economically justifiable state-of-the-art technology.
The environmental awareness of our employees is to be promoted at all levels through appropriate training measures.
We take the necessary precautions to avoid deviating operating conditions and undertake to provide competent and comprehensive information on the environmental impact of our activities.
Safety and health at work
We are committed to a safe and healthy company and are committed to the following principles:
All injuries and work-related illnesses can – and must – be prevented. Hazards are therefore eliminated and risks to health and safety at work are minimized
All legal and official requirements as well as requirements of customers and other interest groups must be complied with.
Management means taking responsibility for safety & health in our company. We guarantee safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses.
Communication, training and involvement of all employees working for and with us is essential.
Everyone is responsible for preventing accidents and illnesses in our company – and must continuously assume this responsibility.
Safety & health always have first priority and must be integrated into all operational processes. The management system for safety and health at work is therefore continuously improved. Employees and the works council are regularly consulted and involved on a topic and area-related basis.
Good results in the area of safety & health contribute to the economic success of our companies.
Our customers expect top performance from us – also in terms of safety & health.