Help for those affected by the flood disaster

When it became clear that the flood had spared the company’s own service base in Vettelschoß, Rhineland-Palatinate, but that many relatives and friends of colleagues in the region were left with nothing, the employees at the Selm location started a very special relief action:

Within a few days, they collected hygiene articles, cleaning agents, pots and dishes, baby food, toys, pet food and bedding, pre-sorted everything and brought the donations to Vettelschoß with the help of the freight forwarder Lerner Transporte GmbH. A great gesture: When the forwarding agency found out what was to be transported, it covered the costs for this trip.

The three managing directors Wolfgang Hirsch, Claudius Hirsch and Roland Wolske were not only impressed by the speed with which their employees had set up the relief action, but above all by the amount of donations in kind that had been collected. To support the campaign, they quickly contributed 80 crates of mineral water for the victims and helpers.

The distribution of the donations on site was organized by the employees of the service center.

In addition, to help those affected in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia with the clean-up work and subsequent reconstruction, the management supported the Action Alliance for Disaster Relief Germany (an alliance of Caritas International, Unicef, the German Red Cross and Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe) with a monetary donation of €2,500.